Cruise Critics Forum have revealed that Celebrity Cruises is canceling Prepaid Gratuities on Select Dining options. Previously prepaid gratuities were mandatory for all guest booking a Celebrity Cruise. Some of the participants in the forum have said that they contacted Celebrity Cruises representatives who confirmed this change. The new policy will be implemented in the following months. As all crew members working in dining room department knows Celebrity have changed two sittings Dinner dinning option in Main Dining Room to combined selected dinning and traditional dinning system with two seating’s. The waiters and assistant waiters working in dining room with traditional two seating stations will have the gratuities charged to onboard accounts on a daily basis. However there is confusion about dining room personnel working in Select Dining. How will the guest pay if they change table every night and how will waiters share the money? Will they pay every night in cash or…? Celebrity Cruises didn’t release details about this prepaid cancelation and we will update you as soon as they do so. Aldo most of the guest comments on cruise critics are positive about paying gratuities some chipatones look on this as a way to avoid paying service charges. We like to emphasize that waiting staff is paid by the company around $60 per month and the rest of their earnings come from the gratuities. Aldo $12 a day is a pittance for the services performed by the crew onboard, some passengers used to stiff the waiters as far as tips are concerned before gratuities were automatic.