Due to a technical issue affecting the maximum speed of Carnival Splendor, the vessel will cancel two stops and return to its homeport of Miami on Sunday. Splendor was on its way to St. Thomas when the ship lost propulsion. Carnival Cruise Line stated that the engine only had a technical defect, however some guests on board report that crew said at least one engine had failed completely. By the course that Carnival Splendor has sailed today (shown in the photo above) doesn’t look as if everything is in order.
Payge Snow Durham, a passenger on board Carnival Splendor said “I am currently on the Splendor cruise ship. We are currently sitting in the middle of the ocean. I'm not exactly sure where we are bc tv map has not worked once on this cruise. Captain called a meeting at 11:30 am to inform passengers of the current situation. During this meeting, Captain reveals that boat had already turned around headed back to Miami. With one running engine on the boat, we will go directly to Miami and make no stops. So to sum things up, our trip was canceled half way through and we are missing stops on St Thomas and Amber Cove and Carnival extends their apologies and is giving us a $100 credit toward.”
The website Cruise Hive released a statement by Carnival Cruise Line regarding the current technical problems saying:
- “Carnival Splendor is currently experiencing a technical issue that is affecting the vessel’s maximum cruising speed. The ship’s technical team is currently working on assessing the repairs.
- Due to current speed limitations, the remaining calls at St. Thomas and Amber Cove have been canceled so that the ship can return to its homeport of Miami on Sunday on schedule.
- All guests on the current voyage will receive a $100 per person shipboard credit and a 25 percent credit toward a future cruise.
- We sincerely apologize for this disruption to our guests’ vacation plans.”
Photo by: www.marinetraffic.com