This mystery box was loaded on the Royal Caribbean cruise ship Independence of the Seas in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on a 4-day voyage with stop in Grand Turk before returning with a new owner. Inside the box was a custom made motorcycle, presented as a ruffle grand price. The award-winning visionary and builder behind Deadwood Choppers Kustom Motorcycles, Mr. Jack Fiorvante, donated this custom build motorcycle. The donation was presented on the annual Rock Legend cruise where all proceeds went to the Native American Heritage Association (NAHA). This charitable organization is dedicated to help Native American families living on Reservations in South Dakota and Wyoming. This non-profit organization provides food, clothing, heating assistance and various emergency programs to the Native Americans struggling to make ends meet each month.
Marking this charity event Mr. Jack Fiorvante said “We have another gift for the Native American Heritage Association and The Rock Legend cruise and somebody aboard this ship that purchase a ticket where 100% of the proceeds go to NAHA can take a beautiful handcrafted one -of-a-kind motorcycle home with them as a reminder of the Rock Legend cruise.”