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Crew Insights

Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.

Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.

Carnival Cruise Line Retro Uniforms From the 90s

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Back in 1991 Carnival Cruise Line introduced its latest cruise ship Carnival Ecstasy. With the new ship came the new uniforms for the dining room waiters and assistant waiters. The dining room concept was each night with different dining theme and overall waiters had seven uniforms.Here are Carnival Ecstasy retro uniforms from the early 90s:

International night head waiter and waiter uniform

8 Cruise Wonders of the World

Submitted by jozo on

The most respected travel magazine, Condé Nast Traveler in partnership with Princess Cruises presented the most breathtaking cruise ship destinations in the world.  This fascinating video shows the beauty of our planet, from Fiordland national park in New Zealand, to large constructions created by man, the Panama Canal. You can check out all this beautiful and fascinating destinations and visit them on a cruise ship.

Best and Worst Drunk Cruise Ship Stories

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Crew members work hard and play hard. When off duty we like to party in crew bar or if the cruise ship stays overnight we like to party all night in the port. These are some of the stories we collected by ex-staff and crew members and their drunk experiences at sea. Some of their actions led to dismissal some .. well you need to read thier drunk stories.

Salty Dog Gastropub Service Procedures on Princess Cruises

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Princess Cruises partnership with chef of the original Umami Burger, Ernesto Uchimura has brought The Salty Dog Gastropub at sea.  Organized in a comfortable, pub style atmosphere to offer distinctive dishes, with drinks from around the world with live music on select nights to enhance the guest’s experience. The following are Salty Dog service procedures from the moment guest enters the gastropub until he/she have finished dining.

Dumbest Things People do on Cruise Caught on Video

Submitted by kgnadmin on

On land or at sea people do dumb things. I don’t know why, but the dumber tings you do on cruise and post it on internet you can become some kind of local celebrity. This was the case with the 17-year-old girl Annie Schwenker from South Carolina. She took an ugly fall on a stair railing (some media say hilarious fall) on a cruise ship while her friend recorded the video.  Believed or not, Annie ended up as a guest star on the Comedy Central for her epic fall. 

Here is our top 5 list of dumbest things people do on cruise ship.

Crew Pickup Lines that only Work on Cruise Ships

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Love life for the crew is unique just like the entire working and social environment at sea. Unlike on land when you have much more time for dating, crew romance is unique. From our experience, we selected five pickup lines that only work on a cruise ship combined with photos. Some of them work, some not, some are cheesy other romantic. For the ex-crew members, this pickup lines will put a smile on their faces and bring back old memories. We hope you enjoy.

1. Pickup Line - Wanna go on open deck and watch the stars.

Crewmember Insurance Basics & The Suicide Clause

Submitted by kgnadmin on

When cruise line employees are hired, they are entitled to certain insurance benefits if they become ill or injured while onboard. Unfortunately, cruise lines often blame the crewmember, alleging that the accident was their fault, in an effort to defend claims made by the crewmember. Matters become even more complicated when a death ensues from the accident. When there is no one to defend the deceased crewmember’s point of view, the family, who would otherwise be entitled to life insurance benefits, may be forced to forsake their claims.

How to Avoid Negative Guest Comments on Cruise ship

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Working on a cruise ship can be very demanding and stressful. Long hours, not enough rest, and missing home can contribute towards the unhappiness of crew members. The motivation for every crew member is money and positive guest comment cards. Money gives crew members freedom to plan their future further than the cruise ship and positive guest comments give them an opportunity to get more money faster.