A 33-year old male passenger was reported going overboard today in the Labrador Sea, about 100 nautical miles north of St. John's, Newfoundland, from the cruise ship Aidaluna, operated by Aida Cruises. According to the German newspaper Bild, the missing person is the pop singer Daniel Kueblboeck. Coast Guard deployed airplane and helicopter to search for the missing person.
The Cruise Company spokesman said "Aidaluna captain and crew immediately took all necessary rescue measures, in close coordination with local authorities, and there is an intensive search underway"
Man overboard was reported around 6 o'clock local time. The ship turned around to the last known position "where the incident occurred" says the official AIDA statement. According to some media, the singer jumped overboard.
Daniel Kueblboeck achieved fame as a contestant on the national talent show "Germany Seeks the Superstar." He invested his money wisely, in a solar system and became an eco-millionaire. In 2014 he applied to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen, but without success. Most recently, he participated in 2015 as a candidate for the eighth season of the RTL show "Let's Dance".