A few years ago, no one would have predicted that blogging on the internet would be such lucrative business. Naomi Neo a 21-year-old girl from Singapore started voicing out her own opinions and blogging about usual mundane stuff like school life and relationships on the internet.
When she was 18, she already had a few titles (Youtuber, blogger, Instagram influencer) under her belt, and over a million followers on the social media. In a year, she earns considerable amount based on sponsorships. That’s why Dream Cruises invited her, and her boyfriend on their latest cruise ship World Dream, which will debut Asian season in November, to showcase all fun facilities onboard.
Naomi posted the fun video on YouTube yesterday asking her followers “Are you guys excited for to welcome this AMAZING cruise in Singapore in November?” She already received 250 responses and almost 100.000 views of the video in less than 24 hours. Now that’s the power of the internet!