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Drunk Manager Throws Table and Chairs Overboard on a Party Cruise and Posts the Video on TikTok

Submitted by kgnadmin on

A video has spread on social networks, showing a general manager of a local construction company in Finland together with his employees vandalizing the cruise ferry MS Baltic Princess, during a party cruise in the Baltic Sea. 

The voyage on the Turku-Stockholm route ended with furniture being thrown into the sea and several incidents across the vessel by the construction workers who have been drinking for 12 hours straight. 

The Finnish media outlets report that the 25-year-old manager Otto Kranni, of the construction company Pimura Oy together with his party was involved in at least three incidents including inappropriate behavior at the ship’s bar, urinating in the sauna and throwing overboard a table and several chairs from their stateroom.

The manager filmed the incident and then posted it on his TikTok account, which then spread on social media over the weekend. He later deleted the videos after coming under scrutiny for his actions by the community which condemned the barbaric behavior. However, the video was downloaded by the user Fenn J. Müller and posted again on Twitter, before the manager deleted it.

Tallink Silja, the company which operates the vessel said is considering filing criminal charges against the construction company.

“We have not yet filed a criminal complaint, but we will review this incident during the week. However this is certainly an environmental crime,” said Marika Nöjd, Communications Manager at Tallink Silja.

“We are shocked by the incident, especially by the littering of the Baltic Sea where we hope that even cigarette butts will not end up into the seas. Also the damage to the ship's property. And of course, the incident could have ended with far greater consequences. The furniture could have hit someone on the lower decks” Nöjd said.

The construction company paid 10.000 euros in damages to the ship’s property and the Incident will be investigated by the authorities. However, it seems that by throwing the furniture into the sea, the manager has pretty much thrown his business overboard. Reports from Finland say that now no one wants to do business with his company. In an attempt to make a public apology, or explain his actions, and save his business Otto Kranni appeared on a Finish TV channel, saying that he regrets that a "big deal" had arisen over the matter.

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"Tomorrow, let's go to the construction site, and we'll laugh about things that have been done," Kranni said.

However, the awkward explanation didn't seem funny to the public, and his joking about the ship's party was not welcomed by the wider audience.

A day after his appearance Kranni visited the Valavuori Live TV again. The man said that he lost his livelihood because of what happened. The contractor of the construction company in question blew the whistle to stop the construction work due to the incident.

“The business looks very difficult at the moment,” Kranni said on Monday evening's Valavuori Live program.

Kranni stressed that he was sorry and ashamed of the mess caused by him and his party The man humbly apologized for what had happened, and said that he had learned his lesson.