Carnival Australia President Sture Myrmell has come out in strong defence of the cruise industry after Australian authorities announced restrictions on foreign-flag cruise ships, basically saying they are not welcomed.
In his video message, Mr Myrmell underlined the contribution to the Australian, state and regional economies in supporting jobs, suppliers of fresh produce, travel agents and tourism-related businesses. He has also strongly supported calls from the industry association – CLIA Australasia – for cruise operators to be able to repatriate crew from now out of service cruise ships in a safe, orderly and compassionate way. Mr Myrmell has also pointed out that it’s just not safe for Ruby Princess crew to sail out of Australia nad away from healthcare services that might be urgently needed.
"As a maritime nation, Australia has obligations to look after people in our care in this country. There is a duty to care for foreign nationals in the same way as we would expect others to care for Australians in difficult circumstances overseas."
Here is the Video Update from Carnival Australia President Sture Myrmell: