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Update on the Missing Carnival Inspiration Crewmember Symron Almeida

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Carnival Inspiration crew member was reported missing on Thursday, November 9, just before the cruise ship arrived at the homeport of Long Beach, Los Angeles. The missing crew member is identified as Symron Santana Almeida for Goa, India who was working as a Wiper in the Engine Department. The 34-year-old seaman was working on Carnival Cruise Line for five years.

Carnival Inspiration crew launched onboard search for missing person, which was conducted in all crew and guest areas, unfortunately, Symron has not been found. Ships Security Officers have reviewed the CCTV cameras for a footage of man overboard, and none of the footage captures a person falling into the sea.

Ships officers have reported the missing person to the Coast Guard and port authorities which are investigating the case. Carnival CareTeam has also contacted Symorn’s family back in India and will continue to provide every possible support. 

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The following update was posted on the ship’s crew board, signed by Carnival Inspiration Captain Vincenzo Miele.

“I would like to share with you an update regarding one of our valued team members, Symron Santana Almeida, Wiper from our Engine team who was reported missing yesterday evening.

We started an immediate vessel wide search on board for Symron, and as you know, this search continued today into the early hours of the afternoon. The man overboard cameras were also reviewed and none of the footage captures a person falling in the water.

As per our protocols, our onboard investigation continues, and as of this time, unfortunately, Symron has still not been found. All appropriate authorities and our Corporate Office have been notified.

Our CareTeam has been in contact with Symron's mother and brother and we continue to provide every possible support to his family back in India.

We are saddened by this unfortunate turn of events and ask that you kindly join me in keeping Symron and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any member of the management team. We will keep you informed of any further developments.”

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If you have any relevant information about Symron Almeida disappearance that can help in the search for the missing crewmember please send an email to or contact usYou can contact the U.S. Coast Guard Base Los Angeles Long Beach at the following phone number +1 310-345-5941.
