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Tina Toberd Tees Crew Humanitarian Effort: United we will Succeed and Sail Again

Submitted by kgnadmin on

This is a story of love and hope in the time when fear is spreading more rapidly than the COVID 19 pandemic. This is a story that speaks of one girls love for her crew members and community in measures so great that she decides to stand aside from them and find creative and daring ways of not only helping, but also inspiring more to consider their abilities further than the world of the cruise ship. This is a story of a golden humanitarian heart that is reaching out to help those who are in this very moment in dire need for support not only in a monetary manner but also with support.

Tina is a girl who boards her first river cruise over 6 years ago and falls deeply in love with the sway of the ship and the sound of the waves. And while the love affair appeared to be fulfilling, she becomes blessed twice in a row after meeting the love of her life who later becomes her husband. She goes on to make the cruise industry not only her career, but her passion by becoming a Hotel Manager finding joy and great satisfaction in helping people grow, improve, and succeed. Life appeared to be perfectly designed, even though she had dreams beyond the cruise industry.

The dream became a reality when COVID 19 struck and placed many crew members in position of fear and uncertainty a lot of them displaced from work without an end date to when they return to their jobs. And even though the fear of pandemic and survival was not great enough, the fear for feeding the very people for which crew members board those cruise ships every year sacrificing their time and memories with them suddenly became even greater. While many are focused on the problem, Trina focused on the solution in making her venture dream a reality: to create a space where support, growth, learning, and development will be exhibited and promoted. The initial idea came with focus of mentorship and coaching, but with the COVID-19 beaming at every side of the world the focus shifted. The couple faced without a job, no savings and no income and health-related investments counting their pennies until boarding a ship again looked at the crew community that has suffered the most since the outbreak and decide to not sit back quietly and invest their last pennies in supporting whoever they can.

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They start with launching the coaching platform first 2 months ago and invest their time in supporting, coaching and focus on identifying self-growth opportunities for Crew Members impacted. Through the experience, they were able to identify that many crew members are greatly impacted financially and for 6 weeks they worked on determining ways to meet this need as well. After a discussion with the Crew Center team, the couple decides to approach an Online Shop. The idea was that they will sell something online, but what? While searching for ideas one of the Cruise Lovers online get them thinking when they post a support picture to lift Crew Spirits up followed by a comment “oh, I would love a T-Shirt like that.” And the idea of using inspirational designs on T-Shirts and Totes was born…after all, who does not love a nice comfy T-Shirt that represents something to them and we all know that if you have ever been either a crew member or a guest on a cruise ship, a tote is a must accessory for fun and basic port survival. And the Tina Toberd Tees website suddenly came to life. The couple placed much thought and love into the designs just as they placed in supporting and enriching not only each other, but also their fellow crew members. The designs are heartwarming with empowering words for those who love the sway of the ship and the sounds of the waves crushing against the ships body. They speak of love and hope in a similar manner as the heart of that girl who boarded her first ship over 6 years ago and fell deeply in love not only with a man, but a lifestyle, community and sister/brotherhood for life.

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The Tina Toberd Tees website officially opens its virtual doors on 04/23/2020. There crew members and crew member supporters – to include passengers who have enjoyed the services of some of the best in the industry – will be able to view an amazing selection of designs each with its own story: Dear Ocean We Will Return, Dear Rivers We Will Return, 2020 Made Us Unbreakable, Keep Calm We Will Sail Again, Oceans are Yearning, and many more. The T-Shirts are manufactured in Canada and the Totes in the USA from high-quality material and can be purchased for a flat price of 29 euros which included the product cost, design cost, taxes, and transaction fees and 5 euros of every sold item will go towards proceeds for crew community grants to those in need of financial support. The couple will be provided only 1 euro per item to cover the initial loan taken out to start this venture, platform subscription fees, basic adverts and transaction fees.

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Crew Grants are subject to application. Crew members who have been affected by the COVID 19 in financial manner can proceed to the website and download the grant application at the bottom of the website. The names of the applicants will be pulled into a database and winner of a grant will be chosen in a 100% impartial randomized application manner. The Tina Tobers Team will record a Live Raffle session via Facebook each Monday as of May 4, 2020. The submitted information is fully compliant with the GDPR Act and is treated with the highest level of confidentiality. Every 20 sale generates one Grant of 100 euros, which to some may not seem a lot; however, in some of the developing or even Eastern European countries this amount can buy 1-4 weeks’ worth of groceries for a small family or even cover most of the monthly bills. Even though to some this may not seem like much, to those who are in need this is a welcomed value in supporting their families. The Team has also mentioned that the more products are sold they will be able to in time increase the grants value. But this will not end with COVID 19, as once COVID 19 has been tamed the couple wishes to continue to work on this venture and expand the grants towards crew courses, training, and degrees. Wherever the need is identified, they would love to make the crew community stronger and empowered in any way imaginable.

Crew Center is calling on crew members who are in financial need to put in an application once the website opens. Crew Center is calling on those of us who have been fortunate to have enough, continue to be working, or even see that 100euros as a romantic meal for two to contribute towards a humanitarian cause with fashion sense designed with love and hope for our community, by our community. I know I will be making my first purchase when the store opens!

In order to support the crew please visit Tina Toberd online store here. For more info please visit Tina Toberd Facebook page HERE.


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