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Crew Insights

Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.

Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.

WHY CAN’T WE GO HOME? Crew members in Puerto Vallarta Asks the Mexican Government for Permission to Return Home

Submitted by kgnadmin on

There are still more than 1200 crew members trapped onboard the Holland America Line cruise ship ms Koningsdam, who comply 2 and a half months of not touching land and they wish to be repatriated to their countries to see their families. The ship is currently anchored in front of Puerto Vallarta, inside the bay, and it is visible from land. 

Crew open letter to the United Nations regarding border closures and CDC restrictions.

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Open letter to the United Nations (UN)

Over 200,000 seafarers are stranded out at sea right now. Some have already lost hope and committed suicide. Others say they are close to doing the same. What can the United Nations do to help repatriate citizens to their home countries, because we are asking for your help.

The Story of a Cruise Ship Cook Who Won The Battle Against COVID-19

Submitted by kgnadmin on

The following story speaks of one crew member reality and his fight not only with the COVID-19 but also with the loss of a parent during the lockdown of the cruise ships. What happens when you are stuck on a cruise ship thousands of miles from home, not able to pay respect, and say final goodbye to the person who raised you? This is the reality of a cook who due to the circumstances and the lockdown caused by the global pandemic, received the sad news while on a cruise ship.

Tina Toberd Tees Crew Humanitarian Effort: United we will Succeed and Sail Again

Submitted by kgnadmin on

This is a story of love and hope in the time when fear is spreading more rapidly than the COVID 19 pandemic. This is a story that speaks of one girls love for her crew members and community in measures so great that she decides to stand aside from them and find creative and daring ways of not only helping, but also inspiring more to consider their abilities further than the world of the cruise ship.

Crew Story: I survived COVID-19, I won the battle against the virus

Submitted by kgnadmin on

COVID-19 has managed to put so much fear into the hearts of people all over the world with crew members experiencing more than average fear due to being away from family and friends support. In times of uncertainty and fear, it is a good idea to share something that can alleviate this at least a little and to know that people survive.

Crew Stories: Proud to be Part of Costa Smeralda Opening Team

I was still at Costa Fortuna when I’ve heard that Costa Smeralda will be the next ship I'm going to conquer.  It's not easy for me to decide whether to go for it and worst comes worst or to turned down the offer. While enjoying the vacay and having hard times in deciding whether Costa Smeralda is for me or not. It was indeed a great challenge to face this mysterious Costa Smeralda. Nevertheless, I made the right decision then.

Crew Self-Care: How to Stay Well Until We Re-Embark

Dear Crew Worldwide,

How are you today? We really hope you are managing as well as it is possible in these uncharted waters. We know it’s scary to find ourselves in this new reality with suspended jobs, no certainty and plenty of challenges to come. So, let’s take a few moments and explore the state of our inner world, our inner selves.