A 23-year-old student from Kraguevac, Serbia, identified as Jovan Spasic was stabbed four times during graduation excursion on a cruise ship sailing from Barcelona to Rome. As reported by BLIC the incident occurred on the night between Monday and Tuesday around 4 a.m. and attacker was identified, as Aleksandar Stojanović (28) from Serbia.
The brutal act happened on a cruise ship open deck party, where students drunk lots of alcohol and some of them were talking to Aleksandar Stojanović girlfriend. Aleksandar was drunk and started the fight with a group of students. Jovan Spasic tried to calm down the fight and in the chaos he was grabbed by his neck and stubbed with knife four times in stomach by the attacker. The victim was immediately transferred to the ships medical facility and further medical treatment was provided when the ship arrived in Civitavecchia, Rome.
The newspaper Blic contacted victim’s Father who said “My son received four stab wounds in the stomach with a knife, his liver is damaged and he lost lots of blood. From the moment when he was stubbed to the hospital passed more than 20 hours, he lost a liter and a half of blood. As my son said, a fight broke out in which he did not participate. When he tried to calm the guy who had a knife in his hand, the attacker grabbed him, and then repeatedly stabbed him in the stomach.
Victim’s father said that the onboard medical treatment by the ships doctor was extremley poor. When the ship arrived in Civitavecchia the victim was transported to the hospital with a bus, unaccompanied by ambulance.
The graduation cruise was organized by the travel agency "Rapsodi travel-Serbia" who confirmed the incident. The newspaper didn’t release the name of the cruise ship.