Civitavecchia Port authorities received a distress call from the Holland America Line cruise ship MS Westerdam, shortly after the vessel left the port of Civitavecchia. According to the Italian Coast Guard, there was a medical emergency for a crew member with Romanian nationality who sustained a head injury and was unconscious.
The Coast Guard personnel immediately launched the procedures for medical assistance at sea in emergency situations, and after medical consultation with CIRM (International Radio Medical Center), it was decided together with the on-board medical personnel to transfer the injured to the hospital.
The operations room of the Harbor Master contacted the Commander of MS Westrdam, which was already at 13 nautical miles from Ladispoli, to reverse course to the port of Civitavecchia identifying a place meet with the rescue boat. The patrol boat reached the cruise ship and transfer the crew member, despite the considerable difficulty due to the strong winds. After successful medevac, the crew member was transferred to the S. Paul Hospital in Civitavecchia, where he was hospitalized for the necessary medical treatment.
The unfortunate event happened on April 13, when the ship was scheduled to enter dry dock at the Italian shipyard Fincantieri in Palermo.
Update: According to one crew member who performed the medical evacuation, the injured man was contractor hired for the dry dock refurbishment.
Photo by: Guardia Costiera