Nearly nine thousand people, including passengers and crew of the cruise MSC Seaview, were vaccinated against measles in the port of Santos, Sao Paulo, after confirming that 13 employees onboard showed symptoms of the virus.
The mayor of Santos and the National Health Agency (ANVISA) sent 110 health professionals to conduct immunizations not only to the 4,500 people who disembarked but also to a similar number of passengers who later embarked on MSC Seaview. Last Saturday, the cruise ship docked in Santos with 13 suspected cases of rubella, all crew, who were isolated in the cabins. The results of the analyses, carried out by the Adolfo Lutz Institute, ruled out a rubella infection, and consistent with measles.
MSC Seaview is sailing according to the scheduled voyages and guests are allowed to go ashore in the ports, however, crew members are stuck onboard.
According to announcement onboard MSC Seaview blood samples taken from two crew members on February 19, were negative for Rubeola and positive for Sarapo. According to this finding ANVISA send a request asking whether the vaccination of the 236 missing crew has been completed. Ship’s supervisors were notified that this is very important measure in order to protect the crew, guests and avoid the spread of the virus. ANVISA informed MSC Seaview that due to this problem, crew members were not allowed to disembark in Porto Belo on February 19, 2019, and all crew members must remain on board.
Upon arrival in Santos on February 20, MSC Seaview crew were allowed shoreside access. But today February 22, a new announcement was sent from Human Resources to all heads of departments saying
“On behalf of the Master Giuseppe Galano, kindly inform that all crew members will Not be allowed to go ashore in Port od Porto Belo 22.02.2019. Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.”