On Thursday, April, 21, 2016, the cruise ship Disney Fantasy Rescued Three Cuban refugees after their boat capsized 40 miles north of Cuba. Ship’s captain notified the U.S Coast Guard and they received medical treatment on board. At first it was believed that they were refugees trying to flee Cuba and enter USA. However, after US officials identified the Cubans found out that they were trying to escape from United States and enter Cuba. US Marshals say that they were fleeing the United States where they were wanted for credit card fraud
They were identified as Luis Rivera Garcia, 26, Juliet Estrada Perez, 23, and Jesus Enrique Gonzalez Torres, 23. One of them had a license valid Florida driver. Luis Rivera Estrada Perez Garcia and Juliet had arrest warrants on federal charges in New Orleans, said United States Marshals. They were charged in October for credit card fraud in Louisiana and the bail allowed them to travel in Louisiana and Florida. The arrest warrant for Enrique Gonzalez Torres was issued on Friday when authorities saw that he had also violated the conditions of his bail.
All three defendants were part of a network that installed devices on the credit cards machines on gas stations, able to capture card numbers of unsuspecting customers. Credit card fraud is one of the more common scams, in which the Florida based rings clone stolen credit card numbers, encode them onto new cards and then travel the country, buying merchandise and gift cards. The gift cards are then sold at a discount on the black market for cash.
All three are scheduled to appear in federal court on Monday. Cuba does not hand over its nationals to the United States to face prosecution. There has been a surge of cases where Cubans come to the U.S. in order to perform the credit card fraud and then go back to Cuba, just before they are caught.