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Cuban Dancer Airlifted to Safety by Greek Air Force

Submitted by kgnadmin on

The Greek Air Force airlifted a 25-year-old Cuban dancer in need of urgent medical treatment on land after she suffered serious injuries aboard the cruise ship Celestyal Discovery. The rescue occurred last Thursday night, casting a spotlight on the swift and efficient response of the air force personnel involved in the rescue mission.

The emergency unfolded at 10:30 PM when Air Force Lieutenant Christina-Agavi Kousourakis, the captain of a Super Puma helicopter, received a distress call signaling an urgent medical evacuation was needed. Together with her co-pilot, Lieutenant (I) Panagiotis Nasta, they took off from their base in Rhodes.

The Celestyal Discovery was navigating the waters off Karpathos, when the accident occurred. The Cuban dancer, engaged in a performance as part of the cruise ship's entertainment lineup fell and sustained severe injuries. The patient was transported to a hospital in Rhodes for emergency medical treatment.