Carnival Pride collided with an elevated gangway while docking in Baltimore early this morning. The cruise ship suffered minor damage, however the gangway crushed from the impact, causing damage to three vehicles on the ground. The collision occurred when the elevated gangway was in process of connecting with the ship. Luckily the gangway was not in use at the time and no injuries were reported amoung passengers and crew.
Carnival Cruise Lines spokesperson said that Pride suffered minor damages on the starboard side limited to a small mooring deck platform. Because of the incident all guests disembarked using the crew gangway at the pier level. At the moment it is not clear how the collision happened and who is responsible for the incident. Carnival Cruise Lines are working with the U.S. Coast Guard and are investigating what caused the crush.
Port of Baltimore spokesman said that Carnival Pride made contact with a gangway on the pier, causing it to fall and damage three parked cars. The following Carnival Pride departure will not be affected by this incident and the ship will depart from Baltimore as scheduled.